SAIFUDHEEN KUNJU Khilafat and its role in history has been widely discussing today. According to some intelligentsia it’s a theocratic institution and Islamic thinkers say as Islamic political system. Nevertheless, in history, khilafat has big role and it had golden memories of justice, tolerance and fraternity etc. But today Khilafat is misunderstood by its inheritors as well as opponents. What was the influence of khilafat and the fundamental elements which were illustrated in the society? Several questions are rose as remarked above. Quran says that Khilafat is trusteeship man which must have to implement through obeying his sovereignty. The rulers as well as the ruled are to act in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah, they cannot behave as independent and sovereign legislators with freedom to make and enact any laws they wish to. All their actions must correspond to the will of Allah who alone is the sovereign and the law maker. It means the western philosophy of democracy (not...