
Showing posts from July, 2009

Shaheed Tipu Sultan

QURAN & VEDAS "The Quran requires you to say to people of scripture: We believe in that which has been revealed into us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is one and unto him we surrender. We hold this God-given law dear to our heart, based as it is on human dignity; reason and brotherhood of man. With reverence we have also read the Vedas of the Hindus. They proclaim their faith in universal unity and express the belief that God is one although He bears many names." -- Tipu Sultan. "....Religious tolerance is the fundamental tenet of the Holy Quran ". The Quran calls upon you not to revile the idols of another religion for it says: revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. The Quran expects you to vie with each other in good works and says for each we have appointed a divine law and a traced out way. Had Allah willed he could have made you one vie one with another in good...

Iqbal about Tipu Sultan

I have lighted a different fire in the heart, I have brought a tale from the Deccan . I have a shining sword on my side; I am drawing it out gradually from the scabbard I speak a subtle point about the martyr tipu sultan; I fear the festival day might turn bitter. I proceeded to kiss his dust, There i heard from his holy grave; If one cannot live a manly life in this world Then to sacrifice life,like a man,is life ( After visiting the tomb of Tipu Sultan) sayings of Tipu Sultan: "Better a lion's life for two days than a jackal's life for two hundred years" 'There can be no glory or achievements if the foundation of our places, roads and dams are mingled with the tears and blood of humanity'....." "ya Allah, it is better to die beneath the clouds of battle raining blood upon heads than to live a life of shame and degradation" (source: Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan Evaluation of their Religious Policies-Dr.BG.N.Pandey)