The presence of Islam in the politics and Islamism in the Turkish society is like a re-incarnation of religious consciousness which faced decisive suppression of decades. This religious isolation has been shut down in the Turkish society and the return of the religious consciousness should not be seen as a threat to the secular system of republic of turkey. Rather, it should be understood as steps toward the democratization of the country. Most of the political parties advocate that the democratization process must happen in turkey .But they are not ready to implement in the society fearing the consequences that will take place the pre dominancy of the religious consciousness. AKP (Adelet ve kalkilmah Partisi) Islamic rooted political party is in their third term. June 12 2011 election they got 49.9 % votes. It is meant that the half of the Turkish people support the AKP and their policies both in domestic and foreign affairs. The impact of civil society movements in turkey is mor...