Maryam Jameela’s Thoughts on Western Civilization
The Companion January 2013 Vol:07 Issue:08 Maryam jameela’s hatred of western civilization and materialism in all its varied characteristics is restless quest for absolute, transcendental ideals. But she tried to incline to be more traditional in life and in ideals particularly. All of her criticism on western culture and its impacts on Muslim world are derived from her reading of her own life. Her life taught her the adventures of the lavishness of the ideas and the distractions from the real instincts and the lack of spiritual feelings. Her long way to find the ultimate truth led her to the direction of Islam. For her, Islam was that gives more meaningful life, purpose and value. In her first period, she was more inclined towards political and vibrant thoughts. But after coming to Pakistan she became more traditional, that does not mean that she became more spiritual. In fact she was against the revivalist tendency of Islamic movements and Islamic figure...