Khilafat and its role in history has been widely discussing today. According to some intelligentsia it’s a theocratic institution and Islamic thinkers say as Islamic political system. Nevertheless, in history, khilafat has big role and it had golden memories of justice, tolerance and fraternity etc.
But today Khilafat is misunderstood by its inheritors as well as opponents. What was the influence of khilafat and the fundamental elements which were illustrated in the society? Several questions are rose as remarked above.
Quran says that Khilafat is trusteeship man which must have to implement through obeying his sovereignty. The rulers as well as the ruled are to act in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah, they cannot behave as independent and sovereign legislators with freedom to make and enact any laws they wish to. All their actions must correspond to the will of Allah who alone is the sovereign and the law maker. It means the western philosophy of democracy (not the democracy as form of governance) is not acceptable in Islam. Because it vests absolute power of legislation or sovereignty in the hands of people and their representatives.
And Khilafat is based on Islamic concept of Tawhid(the belief in the oneness of Allah)
Islam aims at subjecting the whole earth to the will of 0ne and the creator, and to spread as possible as to obtain the grass root influence through receiving its messages and demands by the people from all walks of life.
Prophet Muhammad has illustrated the criteria and regulations of Khilafat. In Islamic perceptive the role of khalifa is vital issue. Firstly he must have to be aware that he is a slave of Allah. Equality of citizenship is significant in Islam. there is no division between ruler and the ruled .Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the exemplar who established the Islamic state in Arabia which would always act as a guiding light for all times to come. Sir Thomas Arnold remarks as no one similar to him in the world: the prophet had been at pane and thaw same time head of the state and head of the church. The paramount control of political policy was in his hands; he received the ambassadors who brought the submission of the various Arab tribes, and he exercised supreme authority in military expeditions. He was at the same time supreme legislator and not only promulgated legal statutes but sat in judgment to decide cases, and against his decision there was no appeal. In addition to the performance of these offices of the administrative and political order as ruler, general, and judge, he was also revered as the inspired prophet of god and the religious dogmas he enunciated were accepted by his followers as revelations of divine truth , in regard to which there could be no doubt or dispute. At the same time he performed the highest ecclesiastical functions, and as imam led the prayer in public worship at the canonical hours in the mosque of Medina. Then it is meaning of Khalifa and this responsibility which should have to implement is called Khilafat.
Some refused the totality of Islam and questioned the evident of Khilafat. To them khilafat is not a political order of Islam, and the Quran has indicates about the rule of Suleiman and Davud (a), moreover Allah appreciated Bilqees the queen
But they were certainly prophets and ruled by orders of Allah. We interpret their rules through our contemporary reading. But we have to criticize them who were not similar to other empires and it was given by Allah. There is no actually a certain type of governance which narrated by Islamic fundamental sources. Governance is In Islamic perceptive to have tolerated and just that citizens live in equality and safety.
The Holy Quran says human beings abilities, governance, and other qualities are divine gifts .those prophets agreed the sovereignty of Allah. It means the label of kingdom is not the criteria for implication of Khilafat. And we should not read their regiments as the monarchies in the modern concept .The Quran and the traditions are silent about any specific method for selecting/electing Khilafat the companions of the prophet (PBUH) seem to have been guided by the concept of Shurah the as enshrined in the book of Allah (42:38)Shurah or consultative council is therefore an important principle of the political theory of Islam . The prophet (PBUH) and the rightly guided khulafah followed this principle though none of them ever tried to give any specific shape to it.
The Islamic state and its principles
The crucial features of the Islamic state/khilafat had been discussing by prominent Islamic philosophers .Abul a’la Moududi who is founder of Jamate Islami and the guiding light of 20th century , has explained the framework of Islamic state:
1. The Islamic state is set up consciously by an independent people who surrender, by free will and pleasure, to the will of Allah and accept to be his vicegerent as well as act in accordance with his guidelines and principles as enshrined in the Quran and the Sunnah.
2. It is a theocracy in that t rests sovereignty in the hand of Allah but differs from it in its application. In theocracy the priestly class grabs all powers whereas in Islamic state all the believers have the right to govern as vicegerents of Allah.
3. Islam agrees with democracy’s principle: government by the people. However, it is against the western concept of people’s sovereignty. The western philosophy of democracy gives people the right to legislate and regulate their lives as they want. But in ‘Islamic democracy’ if one as permitted to use this terminology, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary by the Shariah and can never go against it.
4. The Islamic state is an ideological state; hence it can be run only by the people who believe in its ideology. However, a people who do not believe in its ideology but are willing to live in its boundary and accept its laws, will be entitled to all the civic rights which the believers enjoy.
5. The Islamic state will provide equality to all its citizens regardless of their color, race language and their regional identity. Anybody wherever he/she lives is entitled to its citizenship if he/ she believes in its ideology and abides by its laws and principles. A government or state established on these principles in any part of the world would be an Islamic state. This Islamic state can become a universal Islamic state or there can be more than one Islamic state. However, they ought to cooperate with each other without seeking confrontation, and if possible, they can establish a confederation of the Islamic states
6. the polity in such an Islamic state would be moral and selfless wherein people would not seek to lobby for or advance one’s personal interests or the cause f the groups they belong to faithfulness, honesty , justice , love of peace and keeping one’s words in all national and international matters will be its hallmark
7. The Islamic state will not be a police state in that it focuses only on law and order, or border security and other such matters. In fact, it will be a state with a purpose; it will be committed to enjoin good and forbid evil .every body will be before law and the welfare of people will be ensured.
8. The Islamic state will maintain a fine balance between the individual and the state by binding the both with rights and duties and thus preventing them from indulging in excesses against one another
This framework of Islam gives the citizens to live peacefully and communicate with freedom. In fact, the Islamic concept of Khilafat which submitted was the pioneer of the human rights .but the Islamic state has its own rules and regulations. No one can reject them. Hence, the Islamic state considers the non-believers as its own citizens and implements their own laws. Isolation and discrimination should be avoided in the Islamic state .Islamic culture had taught the entire world how to behave to the citizens and tolerate the inheritants of other religions and ideologies. Muhammad Marduke Picktall writes:
In the eyes of history, religious toleration is the highest evidence of culture in a people…. It was not until the western nation’s brakes away from their religious law that they become more tolerant, and it was only when the Muslims fell away from their religious law that they declined in tolerance and other evidences of the highest culture. Before the coming of Islam its tolerance had never been preaches as an essential part of religion. If Europe had known as much as of Islam , as Muslims knew of Christendom , in those days, those days , those mad ,adventurous , occasionally chivalrous and heroic , but utterly fanatical outbreak known as the crusades could not have taken place , for they were based on a complete misapprehension…
……. Innumerable monasteries, with a wealth of treasure of which the worth has been calculated at not less than a hundred millions sterling, enjoyed the benefit of the holy prophet’s Muhammad charter to he monks of Sinai and were religiously respected by the Muslims . The various sects of Christians were represented in the council of the empire by the patriarchs, on the provincial and district council by the their bishops, in the village council by their priests, whose word was always taken without question on things which were the sole concern of their community… the tolerance within the body of Islam was, and is, something without parallel in history; class and race and color casing altogether to be barriers
Covenant of Medina for Jews and Christians
In history, we can read several human rights’ slogans as were in Magna Carta which the west argued loudly and vociferously that world got the concept of basic rights from it. But before centuries ago Islam had proclaimed what the rights and its practical proofs. In covenants of Medina – the great example of Islam’s pluralistic perception- Muhammad (PBUH) could put the corner stones of social justice and cooperation .summery of this covenant is given below:
The Muslims of Muraish , Yathrib an those who followed them , joined them, or fought with them , constitute one Ummah (people, nation, community ) to the exultation of all others.
Whosoever among the Jews follows us shall have help and equality; they shall not be injured or shall any enemy be aided against them.
No separate peace will be made when the believers are fighting in the way Allah
The Jews are one Ummah with the Muslims. The Jews shall maintain their own religion and the Muslims theirs. Loyalty is a protection against treachery. The close friends of the Jews are as themselves.
The Jews shall be responsible for their expenses and the believers for theirs. Each if attacked shall come to assistance of the other.
The valley of Yathrib shall be sacred and inviolable for all that join treaty. Strangers under protection shall be treated on the same ground as their protectors; but no stranger shall be taken under protection except with the consent of his tribe… no woman shall be taken under protection without difference the consent of her family.
Whatever difference or dispute between the parties to this covenant remains shall be referred to Allah and to Muhammad. Allah is the guarantor of the piety and goodness that is embodied in this covenant. The contracting parties are bound to help one another against any attack on Yathrib . If they are called to cease hostilities and to enter into peace, they shall be bound to do so in the interest of peace; and they make a similar demand o Muslims it must be carried out except when the war is against their religion.
Allah approves the truth and good will of this covenant. This treaty shall not protect the unjust and the criminal
There was no separation between Muslims and non- believers except in the matter of tax. They had to give for exemption from military service. The prophet recognized the Zoroastrians as people of book. And the treaty with the Christians was potential. In 628 CE the prophet bestowed them a charter of privileges to the monks of St.. Catherine monastery in Mount Sinai. The nutshell of the charter for the Christians:
This is a message from Muhammad bin Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity. Near and far, we are with them.
Verily, I, the servants and helpers, and my followers defend them. Because Christians are my citizens and by Allah! I hold out against any thing that displeases them.
No compulsion is to be on them
Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs, nor their monks from their monasteries
No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry any thing from it to the Muslim’s houses.
Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil god’s covenant and disobey his prophet.
Verily they are my allies and have my secure charter against all they hate.
No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight; the Muslims are to fight for them.
If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval .She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray.
Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants.
No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the last day (end of the world)
State and human rights
The western states never can indicate a simple example of this sort of tolerance in their history. The Jews had been expelled from these Christian countries and they tried to invade the Muslim states for the centuries. They could not consider other believers.
But the Muslims welcomed the Jews who expelled and give them the sole and soil to live without fear.
Can a democratic state be a state of tolerance and peace and can their citizens live in safety? But on looking at history, neither the democratic state keeps their slogans nor should their citizens be considered .India is its great instant. We argue that we are the great democratic country, we have a good constitution but the continuity of riots and existence of classification between citizens are the paradoxical matters in our country. But Islam had established a pure Islamic state and announced the democratic values before the west and others did. Some basic principles of Islam had announced are given below:
1) The security of life and property
2) The protection of honor
3) The sanctity and security of private life
4) The security of personal freedom
5) The right to protest against tyranny
6) Freedom of expression
7) Freedom of association
8) Freedom of conscience and conviction
9) Protection of religious sentiments
10) Protection from arbitrary imprisonment
11) The right to basic necessities of life
12) Equality before law
13) Rulers not above the law
14) The right to avoid sin
15) The right to participate in the affairs of state
Islam refuses the democracy of west which includes nihilism and a Muslim who believes the sovereignty of god never can accept these socio-political ideologies. Because democracy of west claims sovereignty of people. in democratic country the riots, genocides and other cruelties are common happenings .we could not see the practical proofs of our great constitution yet and domestic affairs are not be protected in proper way. But the domestic policy of Islam which the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there is no even a minute fault. The laws- would be implemented on all those the state’s citizenship whether they were Muslims or non-muslims –as follows:
1) All Islamic laws would be implemented upon the Muslims
2) Non-Muslims would be interfered with regarding their beliefs and worship.
3) The non-Muslims would treat according to their beliefs in matters related to diet and adornment within the general frame work of the law.
4) Disputes relate to marriage and according for divorce for non-Muslims would be dealt with by appointing judges from themselves in courts set up by the state and not in private courts; similar disputes between them and the Muslims would be dealt with according to Islamic law by Muslim judges.
5) The state will enforce all other Shari’ah matters related to economic social and legal transactions on every citizen Muslims and non-Muslim alike without prejudice.
6) All those who hold the Islamic citizenship is subjects of the state, their guardianship and the management of there are the duty of the state, without any discrimination.
Ali Abd al-Raziq(1888-1966)in his controversial reinterpretation of Islamic political thought was actually first step of separation between religion and politics .he argued n his book ‘Al-Islam Wa Usul Hukum (Islam and the foundations of government) that Islam did not specify a particular form of political system; nor did it require the caliphate . The prophet was purely a spiritual leader, and Muslims had long suffered under the tyranny of a government that was supposedly ordained by either god’s law or the will of the community of believers’ .Islamic world had not heard about the separation between the religion and politics before that argument.
Democracy in their words
Democratic concept of Islam is very clear. Modern Islamic philosophers like Rashid al- Ghannoushi and Yusuful Qaradawi discuss the capability of Islam to include the democratic values. He says that “Islamic rule is by nature democratic”. Allama Yousul al Qaradawi says:”the fear of some people here that democracy makes the people a source of power and even legislation (although legislation is Allah’s alone) should not be heeded here, because we are supposed to be speaking of a people that in Islam as its religion .such a people would not be excepted to pass a legislation that contradicts Islam and its incontestable principles and conclusive rules. anyway , these fears can be overcome by one article stipulating that any legislation contradicting the incontestable provisions of Islam shall be null and void because Islam is the religion of the state and the source of legitimacy of all its institutions and therefore may no be contradicted , as branch may not run against the main stream..”
And other scholars like Muhammad Asad describes the leadership of state must be of an elective nature and the consultative assembly must be both representative of the entire community, men, women, and the result of free and general election based on universal suffrage. Muhammad Iqbal and Moulana Maududi are guiding lights of modern Islamic era, narrated the flexibility of Islam. Moulana Maududi in his book “political theory of Islam” used the term “Theo- democracy” for Islamic state. He accepted the democracy while this system will work under the sovereignty of god.
Islam is not against the values of democracy and its acceptance among people. Islam takes care of entire development of human beings .it is main significant message of Islam. It is better to conclude with words of Sir George Bernard Shaw from his “the genuine Islam”:
“If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years it could be Islam…I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him –the wonderful man in my opinion far from being an anti- Christ , he must be called the savior of humanity…I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world be would in succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad hat it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today”
1) Rights of citizen in Islamic state -Allama Moulana Moudidi
2) democracy in Islamic state ( abul hanan
3) Islam & Pluralism -Syed Hashim Ali
4) The Caliphate -Sir Thomas .W. Arnold
5) The Ummah,Pan Islamism and Muslim Nation –States -Dr Istiyaq Danish
6) The Islamic State -Taqiuddin an-Nabhani
7) Islam and Democracy -Asef Bayat
8) Islam, Iislamists.and the Electoral Principle In the Middle East-Jjames Piscatory
9) Islam and the Challenges of Pluralism –Professor Mehmet S Aydin
10) Quotations on Islamic Civilization ( -Dr.A. Zahoor


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