
Showing posts from September, 2011


ASH’ARITIES This group is related to Abul Hasan ali ibn Ismail al- Ash’ari (260-324A.H). He was a staunch supporter of Mu’talizities and wrote for that up to his 4oth year in 300 A.H. He announces that he was no more supports of the Mu’tazali views. He specially mentionpd that he disagrees with that Qur-an was created, God will not have been with eyes and we were the creations of one action. Main doctrines Attributes of god and their relation with his presence : God has qualities and attributes which are not applicable to human beings. The attributes used for human beings are different from the attributes used for god not only in degree but in kind also. Uncreatedness of qur-an: They upheld the eternity and uncreatedness of the Qur-an .There is a difference in the creation and the command. The heavens and the earth are his creation and Qur-an is command. Possibility of beatific vision: they upheld that vision of god was possible otherwise, as per a hadith” you will see your lord as you...


Murji’ties The word irja’ has two meanings. The first is postponement as in the words of god: ‘they said put him off, him and his brother that is give him respite or delay him’. The other meaning is to give hope. To use the term al-Murji’a in the first sense for this group is correct, because they look upon deeds as secondary to intention and resolve. The term can absolutely be used of them in the second sense also, because they hold that disobience with faith is not harmful as obedience with disbelief is not beneficial. It is also said that Irjia means deferring the case of one who commits a grave sin to the Day of Judgment, in this world; therefore no judgment is made as to whether he belongs to the people of paradise or to the people of hell. If the world is understood in this way the Murjities and the Wajidiya are two opposing sects. Some say that al-Irja means bringing Ali down from the first to the forth people. In this sense the Murjities and shias became two opposed sects. ...


The Jabarities It is the group of Jahm ibn Safwan and his adherents. He was advocate of pure determinism. Due to his thought he was put to death by Salim ibn Ahwas al-Mazini in Marw in the last days of the Umayyads. Jabr is a doctrine which denies that a deed is in reality to be attributed to man, as ascribes it to god. There are two main groups of jabarities. 1) The pure Jabarities who do not allow any deed at all to man, not even the power to act. 2) The moderate Jabarities who admit that man has power but maintain that it is a power which is in no way effective. Jahm ibn Jafwan agreed with the Mu’tazilities in denying the eternal attributes, but he also added other doctrines 1) It is not lawful to apply to god an attribute which is also applicable to creatures, because this would imply likeness between god and creatures, he, therefore denies that god is living and knowing, but maintains that he is powerful, an agent and a creator because to creature cannot b...


Ilm al kalam is the offspring of Islamic experience of intellectual works. A lot of scholars concentrated the reality of the world, existence of God and His manifestations and ethos. The History and discourse of Ilm al kalam had a very role in Islamic History and intellectual field. Muslim mentality seemed to have tended to these subjects for a long time. Impact of Greek and Roman philosophy on Muslim scholars made them extremely rationalized in their theological works also. Some of them tried to defend Islam from those unislamic tendencies by the opponents’ philosophical methodology. Some were fascinated by the new philosophy which from the outside of Islamic boundaries, and preferred to those ideas. They even viewed Islamic philosophy in terms of Greek and Roman philosophy. Several causes can be traced for the emergence of Ilm al kalam. Simple faith of Islam is the great manifestation of it, and Islam is the simplest religion of all religion of the world. In the course of t...