This group is related to Abul Hasan ali ibn Ismail al- Ash’ari (260-324A.H). He was a staunch supporter of Mu’talizities and wrote for that up to his 4oth year in 300 A.H. He announces that he was no more supports of the Mu’tazali views. He specially mentionpd that he disagrees with that Qur-an was created, God will not have been with eyes and we were the creations of one action.
Main doctrines
Attributes of god and their relation with his presence :
God has qualities and attributes which are not applicable to human beings. The attributes used for human beings are different from the attributes used for god not only in degree but in kind also.
Uncreatedness of qur-an:
They upheld the eternity and uncreatedness of the Qur-an .There is a difference in the creation and the command. The heavens and the earth are his creation and Qur-an is command.
Possibility of beatific vision:
they upheld that vision of god was possible otherwise, as per a hadith” you will see your lord as you the full moon while you will not disagree amongst yourselves”
God’s seating himself on the throne:
They believed that god is seated on his throne high up in the heaven and presented the following verses
He the lord of throne (of glory) supreme (al-thauba 129)
Raised high above ranks the lord of the throne (ghafir 15)
.Freedom of will;
They took middle path. Though the action of the creature is created by god as to its both initiative and as to its production, yet it is acquired by the creature. They are supposed to have accounted for free will and made man responsible for his actions.
Abul Hasan Ali al- Ash’ari
Abu Baker Baqillani
Imam ghazzali
Fakhruddin Razi
Maturidities are related to Abu Mansur Muhammad al-Maturidi. He is one of the pioneers amongst the hanafi scholars who wrote on the principles of the jurisprudence. He engaged in fighting the Mu’talities in general and the Baghdadi group in particular. However he took middle path between the extremists and traditionalists.
According to this thought, individual mind can’t be the basis of knowledge and criterion of thought. Inspiration (ilham) also creates chaos and conflicts in the domain of knowledge to disintegration and destruction. The reason and revelation both are important in this thought.
The religious matters are derived from revelation and reason. Thus the verses of Qur-an whose meaning seem to be uncertain must be taken in the light of Qur-an. It should be remembered that there can’t be any contradiction in the verses of Qur-an.
1. Muslim sects and divisions in kitab al- milal wal-nihal Muhammad ibn Abdul Karim al- Shahrastani
2. Philosophy and science in the Islamic world C.A Qadir
3. The formative period of Islamic thought W.Montgomery Walt
4. Islam a short story W.M.Walt
5. Studies in Muslim philosophy M.Saeed Sheikh
6. A history of Muslim philosophy vo.11 M.M.Sharif
7. Muslim philosophy and philosophers Mohammad Sharif khan