
Showing posts from June, 2012


upcoming research Islamic political thought has secured a significant place in international theories. Islamic political thought has plenty of literature on this debate.  Since the prophetic, khilafat period and during the eras of monarchy in Islamic society this political thought has been prospered by outstanding Islamic intelligentsia.  The thoughts like Sovereignty of God and the man as his representative on earth were unquestionable during that time in Islamic society. Each and every Ulema defined the Islamic political thought by these basics. Basic sources of Islamic sharia’ are sovereignty of god, his divine words and prophetic teachings. Then the faith in oneness of God and his sovereignty became the basic elements of Islamic political thought. With the decline in Islamic intelligentsia and the backwardness of emancipation in Islamic knowledge, the Islamic political thoughts have faced tremendous setbacks. The Islamic society had to face the colonial challenges and t...


How can we say that knowledge must be Islamized? The knowledge itself is Islamic. The basic of all things in Islam is pure and permissible. The problem is where un-Islamic elements exist. If the knowledge is amalgamated with un-Islamic thoughts, ethos and ideas which are against the Islamic fundamentals, then there must be an attempt to distinguish those un-Islamic elements.  "Islamic knowledge has no time or space constraints because Islam is universal being suitable for every place and time. Islamized knowledge will be for the benefit of all humanity and not monopolized by Muslims. The process of Islamization does not call for re-invention of the wheel of knowledge but calls for reform, correction, and re-orientation. Islamization is an evolutionary and not revolutionary movement".  

Justice and Development party(AKP)

The Justice and Development Party (known popularly by its Turkish acronym Adalet Ve Kalkinma Partisi the AKP) secured sweeping victory of almost 35 percent of the vote in the November 2002 parliamentary elections. This landslide victory allowed the AKP to form a single-party government. The AKP was formed by the reformist leaders like Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul who broke away from the Fazilet Party of Arbakan in 2001. The AKP is now in their third term after the splendid victory of 12 June 2011 in which the party scored 49.9 percent votes. It means half of the Turkish electorate voted for the AKP. The peculiarity of this progress is the successive victory of an Islamic rooted party in a ‘secular’ country where Islam has always been perceived hostilely. Turkey’s Kemalist elite had always tried to portray Turkey as secular and continued to deny the role of Islam in public sphere. But the AKP’s successive victories and increasing religious consciousness insist...