upcoming research
Islamic political thought has secured a significant place in international theories. Islamic political thought has plenty of literature on this debate.  Since the prophetic, khilafat period and during the eras of monarchy in Islamic society this political thought has been prospered by outstanding Islamic intelligentsia.  The thoughts like Sovereignty of God and the man as his representative on earth were unquestionable during that time in Islamic society. Each and every Ulema defined the Islamic political thought by these basics. Basic sources of Islamic sharia’ are sovereignty of god, his divine words and prophetic teachings. Then the faith in oneness of God and his sovereignty became the basic elements of Islamic political thought. With the decline in Islamic intelligentsia and the backwardness of emancipation in Islamic knowledge, the Islamic political thoughts have faced tremendous setbacks. The Islamic society had to face the colonial challenges and the coming of western thought to the Islamic society. Due to absence of wise leadership in Islamic society to convey the proper teachings of Islamic knowledge, a good number of Muslim think tanks rose up by the impact of western philosophy and un-Islamic political thoughts have been spread wildly. The separation of religion and state was the basic formula of these thoughts. Many works were prepared by Muslim scholars supporting this idea. Works like Islam wa Usul Hukum of Ali Abdul Raziq made an opening of internal intellectual crisis in Islamic world.
                Today Islamic world has been divided on this basic Islamic thought. The term ‘political Islam’ replaced the Islamic politics. Whoever spells Islamic political thought and works on become political Islamists. Now, the political Islam is a metaphor of the theocratic thought, anti-western, anti Semitism and main credential for fundamentalism even for religious fanatic.
Here my study is to analysis the term political Islam and to scrutiny how it is defined by scholars. The historical background will be discussed for finding causes of emergence of this thought. This study basically focuses on to analyze the fundamentals of Islamic political thought and its historical evolution. Main proponents of Islamic politics and variation of Perspectives on Islamic Politics will have enough importance. Regarding to the modern Islamic movements’ policies and activism, their pragmatist attempts in order to time and space will be discussed.


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