Introduction Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad, abu Hamid al - Tusi al Ghazali al Shafi (450-505), the great venerable philosopher not only in the history of Muslim philosophy but also in the human thought. It is amazing to note that imam is known in Islamic surface the proof of Islam ( Hujjat al -Islam) ornament o the faith, gatherer of the multifarious sciences, great Siddiq absolute mujtahid , he considered a mujaddid and reckoned on a par with the four imams. Imam Ghazali was expert of in the principles doctrine and those of jurisprudence. Shaykh Yusuful Qaradawi remarks that, like Umar ibn Abdul Aziz and al Shafi for their respective times, al - Ghazali is unanimously considered the renewer of the fifth Islamic century. Life and Education Imam Ghazali was born in Khurasan in 450/1048. He received thorough education in Quranic exegesis, Hadith , fiqh and kalam . His teachers were the celebrated scholars at that time. Ahmad ibn Muhammad al - Rad...